Innovative products

De Beer Innovations was created to develop innovative products and concepts that on their own are strong enough to be sold with success internationally.

Puck Keysafe

The Puck Keysafe is a key safe, which is used among other things in home care. The user can open the safe with a numeric code, take out the key and open the door. Ideal for situations where remote access must be granted to others.

Puck is the only approved SKG key safe with numeric code on the market, and meets the requirements of Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen (PKVW – Police Hallmark for Safe Living). In addition, Puck is also certified for the English market by Secured by Design (SBD).

Detailed information on this product is available on the website


Doornado is probably the best doorstop in the world. With its innovative design and trendy colours, Doornado is also a best seller in among others DIY stores, garden centres and department stores.

Doornado is sold as a concept in attractive consumer packaging and sales displays.

The Doornado doorstop is made of two plastic components: a hard top and a soft bottom. This combination ensures that the Doornado has a grip on any surface.

In addition to the Doornado doorstop, there is also the Doornado Mini, a small Doornado that you can mount on the wall as a buffer to protect the door handle. This door buffer is self-adhesive and also available in various colours.

The Doornado Foot Door Opener is a stainless steel step that can be attached at the bottom of a door so that, for example, you can pull a toilet door open with your foot without having to touch the dirty door handle after washing your hands. On average, door handles contain more bacteria than a toilet seat, and often even more than the floor of a toilet.

More information about Doornado products is available on the website

Rapid Strip

The Rapid Strip is an environmentally friendly way of unclogging sinks and drains. It is a flexible strip with barbs, which pulls all the hair and other blockages out of a pipe.

Rapid Strips are produced from a variety of environmentally responsible materials: for example, bioplastic materials, but for some customers also from Post-Consumer Waste, collected and recycled raw materials of, for example, yoghurt cups.

Rap’id Gripp

Rap’id Gripp is the handy tool for opening jars and bottles and a must in every kitchen drawer. With its timeless design and bright colours, Rap’id Gripp is a remarkable product.

Rap’id Gripp is made of a highly flexible thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). As the name suggests, the Rap’id Gripp provides an extreme grip.

Rap’id Gripp comes in striking packaging, which enables consumers to get a good experience and feel of the product. Rap’id Gripp comes into its own right when presented in a blister strip on a shelf with pots or bottles, and it is a perfect impulse item.

elastomer (TPE). Zoals de naam al verraadt, geeft de Rap’id Gripp extreem veel grip.

Rap’id Gripp wordt geleverd in een opvallende verpakking, waarbij de consument het product goed kan ervaren en voelen. Gepresenteerd op een blisterstrip voor een schap met potten of flessen, komt Rap’id Gripp het beste tot haar recht en is het een perfect impuls artikel.

Contact your specialist in Innovative products

Gerben Stijf

Sales Manager